You Are Your Own Architect!

As you wrap up 2019 make sure to let go of something significant before moving on to 2020. Maybe a habit, fear, heavy load of some sort, or an old idea that just isn’t serving you well. Never add new goals without asking yourself what you can let go of. Drop some stuff that wasn’t serving a purpose so you can carry new amazing stuff into the new year!!


Heading into 2020 I want you to know specifically ~ YOU ARE THE ARCHITECT OF YOUR OWN DESTINY & HEALING! Whether you are battling a health issue or not, what you feed yourself is incredibly important. From what you actually feed yourself food-wise, to what you are putting on your body, to how you view yourself, to how you treat others, to how you take care of yourself mentally & physically, to products you are using in your home, to what you read, to what you watch on TV & social media…


Here are a few great tips to help you become the best architect of your destiny…


  1. Connect with nature. Stand barefoot in the grass, take a daily walk outside, breathe fresh air. Really take in nature and all God has given us!
  2. Eat foods that get rid of disease & illness not feed it. Organic fruits and vegetables, low carbs, grass-fed meats, healthy fats like coconut oil and avocados. No processed foods! I can help you with this!
  3. Get rid of every toxic product in your household. Cleaning products, makeup, deodorant, perfumes/colognes, air fresheners, candles, etc… Read the ingredients on every label + ditch + switch.
  4. Down-time! In this fast-paced time we are living in, we all need to SLOW-DOWN, take 20 minutes out of your day to nap, meditate, breathe.
  5. Set up an easy morning routine. Wake up with gratitude. Do some yoga or stretching and add some prayer. Being intentional every morning will change your life!
  6. READ books or listen to podcasts to better yourself in some way. This is a game changer! I have read and absorbed so many amazing books on my journey of healing. Listen to podcasts in the car or when you travel.
  7. Only feed yourself positive information. We do no watch “The News” in our household. With new, politics, and social media, we are being bombarded with negative energy. Choose only POSITIVE!
  8. Put your cell phone down. Connect with people on a deeper level and make the ones you love feel loved! Challenge yourself with this one…


As 2019 comes to a close, I wish you continued healing if you are on a journey. I wish you health and happiness and a very blessed 2020!!