Education: Starter Bundle – VALOR
This was one of the oil’s that made me a believer. I struggled with anxiety + depression, so being able to have a tool like this is part of the reason I am so incredibly passionate!
So here we go… VALOR, think… bravery, courage + BIG FEELINGS! I use it to greet each morning with a positive attitude or to refocus at the end of a challenging day.
* Chills us out. Amazing at bedtime.
* Deals with all of the emotions (except resentment + RELEASE is good for that).
* Helps us focus.
* Gives us the “oooomph” we need to tackle new things.
* Gets us past our worries of new faces + places.
* Known as “chiropractor in a bottle” so we roll it on our spine to keep ourselves aligned.
* Make a “monster spray” with Valor, water, + a splash of witch hazel in a glass spray bottle. Spray under beds, in closets + anywhere else a monster might be hiding + they’ll be sure to disappear immediately!
*Anxiety Tamer: 15 Stress Away + 15 Valor + 8 Citrus Fresh, tope with carrier in a 10ml roller.
* PMS Less: 8 Valor + 8 Panaway + 8 Lavender + 8 Peppermint, top with carrier in a 10ml roller.
This is the oil you want to wear neat (directly on your skin/undiluted whenever you can) You will reap all of the benefits almost immediately. Also try using this on someone that snores, we heard putting it on the big toe helps!
What is your fave way to use Valor?💜✨