YOU WERE BORN FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS. I know some days we let ourselves have the thought that maybe we would have liked to live 100 years ago, simpler, more freedoms, and less distractions. I’m reminding you here, today, and now, that you were not created to live an easy comfortable life, you were created to conquer, to move mountains and to live boldly for Jesus in every way shape and form. God chose this time for me and you to be here… FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!


You don’t need to be the loudest person in the room to be the most influential! All you need is to have love, to share love, to not bow to fear, and to run the race God has set before you.


My encouragement for you today and every day moving forward…


  1. GIVE YOURSELF GRACE. With how much our world has gone through this last year and the changes we are all trying to adapt too, remember that it’s important to give yourself grace! I have the word GRACE tattoo’d on my wrist as a reminder to do just this. So whether you’ve been homeschooling, had a major transition in work, or have had any type of completely new season you’ve had to literally jump into – you are doing an amazing job! No one is perfect and we’re all figuring this out together. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
  2. Give it your best today and every day. Whether that looks like just showing up with a smile, or bringing your ideas to the table with confidence- you simply being YOU at the best of your ability right now is worth it for yourself and for others!
  3. Lastly, and most importantly give others grace in this season. We all need more love, kindness, compassion and understanding. Don’t expect others to be on the same page as you emotionally or in your beliefs, or thoughts. Give lots of grace- and ask God to increase your compassion for those who are having a tough time with what is going on in our world today.


I’m here to remind you today that you were born to stand out. You were created to change the atmosphere around you and influence those God put in your life (they were put in your life for a reason). His timing is always PERFECT. Standing out as a believer isn’t always popular… especially in our society today. But, we are never going to change the world if we are just like the world! So, be the light in the darkness… walk boldly in your faith, choose righteousness, and never apologize for loving Jesus with your whole heart. Live purposefully and REMEMBER…

You were born for such a time as this~