COURAGE: ~the ability to do something that frightens one…

~strength in the face of pain or grief


What a tough word to live by, especially in the face of the unknown. Today, and now more than ever we need to be courageous in stepping completely into the unknown. If you choose to ignore it, you could be in danger of reaching for something beautiful, something that just might change everything for you and the world we currently find ourselves in.


Re-visiting the definition of courage… is the ability to do something that frightens you. But being frightened doesn’t always look like you might always expect:

You could be frightened of falling in love. You could be frightened to share your FAITH in such a way as it could help someone out of a deep and dark place. You could be frightened to follow your heart and speak what you believe instead of following what everyone else is saying, and doing. You could be frightened to start a new job that you know is risky but would make you incredibly happy.


You get the picture!

Is there anything BIG & BOLD & BEAUTIFUL you want more of in your life? What step of courage might get you there?


Once we acknowledge that courage is in every choice we make – that it’s not meant to be outrun but thoughtfully considered – it is THEN that opportunity appears all around us and every choice we make becomes a chance to grow courageously without fear!


I happened to marry a man who goes all in most of the time, taking a risk and bringing me right along with him. For me it was mostly scary because of the unknown. I remember when we were living in Redondo Beach, California, dating and “living the life”. Gary turned to me one day and out-of-the-blue said, “let’s go home and get our Real Estate licenses and start our own business.”. It was a risky proposition to say the least not only for me but for Gary’s parents and my Mom as well. We were all skeptical. Being courageous we did exactly that! Looking back it was the best decision we could have ever made for our family.


Courage showed up more recently in my journey with Lyme Disease. I joined a women’s group called FEW – The Fellowship of Extraordinary Women which empowers women to live extraordinary lives and tell their stories. Founder, Kimberly Krueger asked me to share my story in “The Miracle Effect” shortly after I became a member. I believe God gave me the courage to say YES to Kimberly! Sharing my story was also courageous because my journey of healing was incredibly personal and private. In being courageous I have helped countless others with Lyme Disease. Many people have read and shared my story with others and this is the journey God continues to lead me on.


So, I ask you…

If fear wasn’t part of the equation, how would your life look different?


Believe in your own courage, moving past your comfort zones and trying something a bit scary every single day. I challenge you!



The world needs risk takers.


The truth seekers and status quo resisters.

Who ask the questions they really want

to know. Who confidently pursue what is

right even when it isn’t popular.

No facades. No half-truths.

No compromises.  (this is me)


The life lovers and slow-song-in-the-

kitchen dancers. Who smile at every

stranger and wear their hearts on their

sleeves. Who uphold authenticity time

and time again.

No distance. No armor. No walls.


The course changers and path makers.

Who risk it all to follow their hearts and

lead others to new places. Who steadily

move forward without always naming the

challenges they overcome.

No compass. No safety net. No way

to know where the road will go. (used to be me)


The world needs risk takers.

Like you and me.


Who pave the way for others to follow.

Or who tiptoe past their comfort zones

to say yes when they could have said no.


Every day, in big and small ways, we all

wake up and push toward the unknown.

Never rising out of new waters the same

as we were before.

~Chip & Joanna Gaines (The Magnolia Journal)



Don’t lose your bold courageous faith, for you are destined for a great reward! You need the strength of endurance to reveal the poetry of God’s will and then you receive the promise in full. For soon and very soon, “The one who is appearing will come without delay.”  ~ Hebrews 10:35-37


Living fully alive and courageous means not letting fear keep you from experiencing the fullness of freedom. Never let fear have the final say in your life.-Sadie Robertson

As Will Smith says, “God has placed the best things in life on the other side of fear.” and he’s got you!


Use your COURAGE to keep going until your story gets good! It is needed now more than ever!