Definition of Extraordinary ~ beyond what is usual or ordinary…~ highly exceptional; remarkable


To me, in order to live an extraordinary life, you have to identify and appreciate the extraordinary things that are already part of your life. The reason something is extraordinary or remarkable in your life is because you say it is! It’s really that simple… my starting place is GOD! Scripture is the answer… it says “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)


Do you want to live your best life?


Here are 10 ways to live EXTRAORDINARY~

  1.  Pay Attention/Listen – Be present, look up, unplug and notice the extraordinary things that surround you. Truly listening to God and hearing his voice is one of the first steps to living an extraordinary life. It’s very difficult to hear God’s voice when we are listening to every other voice besides his.  “He who has ears to hear, let him be listening and let him consider and perceive and comprehend by hearing” (Matthew 13:9)  Pray that God will give you a hearing heart to listen and hear where he is calling you and for what he is calling you to do!
  2. Be Grateful – Expressing gratitude helps to stay focused on the extraordinary happenings of your day to day/ moment to moment life. Saying thank you to God is a perfect reminder of how exceptional life is.
  3. Stop Comparing and Remove Distractions – You can’t assess who you are or what you have based on others. If you focus is on what they have or do, you can never fully appreciate all of the extraordinary blessings in your own life. When challenges show up in your life, focus on what really matters. Trust God has your best interest in mind even if you are not sure where you are being led. Once you remove distraction like comparing yourself to others, you will be on your wat to living your best life.
  4. Let Go – Don’t be afraid of quiet time and space and the absence of all things you THINK you need to be happy & Secure. Absence makes the heart grow, so tune out the noise around you. God wants an intimate relationship with us and prayer is the best way to communicate with God. He wants us to actively call on HIM so that HE can answer our prayers.
  5. Slow Down and TRUST God – The extraordinary life you’ve been waiting for is happening right now. While you are busy racing to the finish, keeping up and getting by, your extraordinary life is patiently waiting. Slow your pace and look around or come to a complete stop to fully appreciate what is right in front of you. There is nothing we can’t get through if we trust that God is walking with us and right along side us.
  6. Admire Small Miracles – Extraordinary isn’t always in big, impressive changes or events. Revel in the little things~ especially in our world today! Revel in nature, a stranger’s kind smile, a hug etc…Enjoy small pleasures and find love everywhere.
  7. Tell Your Story – Record your extraordinary life and share it! We all have a story to share and by sharing you will discover how many people need to hear it! As you share/tell your story I guarantee a healing beyond measure. I am a true testimony to this.
  8. Act Like a Tourist – Be a tourist in your own life! Don’t get used to surroundings and daily events and forget about the extraordinary! See things like you are seeing them for the first time.. like a child! Remember how that view wowed you, or how the way someone treated you made your heart feel happy.
  9. Perfection is God’s Job … Excellence is ours! We have all we need to be excellent! 2 Peter 1:3 “His divine power has granted us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.”
  10. FEW – Fellowship of Extraordinary Women Core Values tell us as women how to be extraordinary… Invest in God, people & His Word, Be a life-giver, Serving others is success, Find and live your purpose, God-marriage-family-then business, Have fun and enjoy life, Be a lifelong learner, Use you influence wisely, Build Godly relationships, Care for your spirit-soul & body, Live and extraordinary life, Tell your story.


The plan God has for your life can only be accomplished when we give the best of our time, efforts, gifts, and focus to the things we do. God brings out the best in us when we give Him our best. 1 Timothy 6:12 “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” As we grow in our relationship with God and separate ourselves from distractions that hold us back, we will be on our way to living an extraordinary life!



So as 2020 wraps up there is still plenty of time to BE EXTRAORINARY!