It is the choices we make along the way… It is about integrity…

You know you have made the right decision, when there is peace in your heart and freedom in your soul.


To all of us that have remained determined to stand for our rights and freedom, there is a wonderful sense of peace, of pride and relief in having the deep knowing that we’ve done the right thing.

Every day I am grateful that I had the knowledge, the common sense and the intuition to make the right choices for myself and my children. Being a mother is so challenging. I credit the experience of my past to the decisions I continue to make and stand by.

They may be trying to curtail our freedom but my soul has never felt more free and my heart has never been filled with so much hope.


I feel we are getting closer to where we need to be; that place of awareness and acknowledgement. Where we continue to find each other. The ones who just know.

When the universal truth finally permeates humanity’s collective awareness, we will be able to experience heaven on earth.


Let’s help each other make this happen!


Quote from Brene Brown