Let’s start 2019 S.T.R.O.N.G.!!

Who is in this with me? “According to a USA Today report on New Years’ resolutions, people who write down their resolutions are more likely to keep them than people who simply think or talk about them~ even if the only difference between these two groups of people is the act of writing their goals down before hand. The seemingly simple act of writing unlocks all sorts of psychological dynamics which translate to real tangible results. We’re talking more than a 100% difference in results!”

  1. Increased motivation
  2. Narrowed focus (where your focus goes, your energy flows)
  3. Clear benchmarks (being specific leads to success)
  4. Reduced stress (gotta love that)
  5. Small wins (by writing it down and planning, you can break it into smaller pieces)



The above is one of my favorite quotes from a young lady who died way too young and tragically. She had a spirit like no other! She set goals and achieved them… she lived her life to the fullest for sure!

S~   Set goals/hopes

T~   Track progress

R~   Reach out for help

O~   Order priorities

N~   Name your purpose

G~   Give God room to work

Name YOUR Purpose: Ask God for ONE word that represents your goals for this year. This word should motivate you in a positive way. Then write it on your 2019 Goal sheet at the top. Post your goal sheet in places throughout your home where you can read them to yourself on a daily basis. I post one in my home office and one in my bathroom on my mirror. I am going to share my 2019 goals with you in the hopes that you write yours down….whatever they are… and make them happen!

~ So much of this I have learned from my mentor ~ Kimberly Krueger, FEW

MK’s 2019 Goals~

GROWTH (my purpose…my WORD)

“The growth & development of a person is the highest calling of leadership!”

“Growth & transformation occur not by changing who we are but as we summon the courage to BE who we are.”

FAITH:  I will join a Ridge CC – Ridge Group

I will continue to learn from Kimberly Krueger FEW & The Ridge CC for deeper FAITH!

I will read and study the Bible & grow in FAITH and GOD!

FAMILY:  I will have date day/night with Gary at least 1x a month.

I will spend more one on one time with Sydnie & Sam.

I will spend time keeping my Mom young.

HEALTH:   I will walk & enjoy nature and BREATHE every day.

I will drink at least 6-8 glasses of H2O per day.

I will follow the path God continues to lead me on for optimal health!

I will find, print & organize more healthy recipes.

FINANCE:   I will allow good to come to me and money flows effortlessly into my life.

Our business & our family will GIVE.

Gary & I will work on our debt to ultimately live debt free.

FRIENDS:   I will be a good friend and pray for my friends who are in constant struggle.

I will form deeper relationships with people I have more things in common with.

FUN:   I will read at least 30 mins per day every day!

I will blog 2 times per month.

I will spend as much time in nature as I can.

I will laugh more and sweat less of the small stuff which I cannot control!

BIZ:   My Young Living business will double in size!


This is just an example for you to follow. Make your goals your own… and really own them. Read them aloud to yourself and you will be surprised to see what happens!

I am challenging myself to live for now. THE PRESENT. To grow in every aspect of my life!  Taking in every breath, every sight, and sound and holding it close. Not thinking about the past or how the best is yet to come. But that right now, this very second, this is THE GIFT. These are the days… these are the moments. I’m going to take the time to breathe them all in. I want to enjoy the now because it’s the only thing we can actually embrace. I want to rid myself of the distractions because these are the thieves that steal our precious moments. Time is the most precious gift! Growth in 2019 is what I am seeking.

There is a world out there who needs YOU to show up with the GREATNESS God put inside of you!  Here’s to finding and seeing the beauty, hope and joy in the NOW! Happy New Year!!