MK’s ~ Panic Free Prep List

MK’s ~ Panic Free Prep List

There are varying degrees of preparedness… one approach is the interest of becoming as self reliant/independent as possible. And another approach is responding to volatile times… such as what we find ourselves in right now. I compiled this checklist for...


Physical symptoms are not what causes an illness. Physical symptoms are the body’s way of communicating that there is a problem. THIS I KNOW FOR SURE! Think of your body as a tree… trees benefit from having both their roots and branches tended to. Our...
Disconnecting from the System

Disconnecting from the System

The system came after my family this past year. They came after our family values. Did everything they could to dismantle the empire we have built based on love, health, dedication and FAITH. They came after my husbands health and my sons morals. … but we stood...
Getting to the Roots

Getting to the Roots

This sums it up! Until you look at the root cause you will never fully heal! Stop masking with drugs that are so easily handed out by doctors. This is why Western medicine gets it soooo wrong for soooo many… Diseases can be healed if you are ready to tackle the...


EDUCATION: Starter Bundle – Lavender Think… “Swiss Army Knife of Oils” + if you haven’t used Lavender you haven’t lived … YET! WAYS TO USE LAVENDER: * Place a couple of drops on your hands, rub together and BREATHE DEEPLY. *...